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Group 667
Group 667


Message from Senior Principal: 

I am honoured to be the Senior Principal here. The Vale Academy has something special about it and we are extremely proud of all of the wonderful things that happen here. Our amazing children, inspiring colleagues, supportive parents and the excellent wider community all work together to make sure that our children receive the best education that they so rightly deserve. We all work very hard to reach high standards in everything we do. 

We provide an education to challenge our children's minds, motivate them to open their hearts and inspire them to be creative. For children to thrive as adults, they should understand how they fit into their wider world and what they can do to support this environment. 

We make sure that our children feel a sense of belonging within their community, both inside and outside of the academy walls. 

I hope that this website gives you the information that you need. Of course, it will change regularly as we add new information, but there is nothing quite like visiting to see it first-hand. If you do have any suggestions on things to add to our website, please use the ‘Contact us’ page. 

I look forward to welcoming you very soon! 

Mrs Knight 
Senior Principal