Leadership and Staff

Mrs Knight

Senior Principal (MAT Leave)

Mr Campbell

Interim Principal & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Barker

Vice Principal - Quality of Education and Personal Development

Mrs Taylor

Assistant Headteacher - Teaching & Learning

Mrs Higgins

Director of EYFS

Mrs Howarth

 Assistant Headteacher - SENDco and EAL

Mrs Lythall

Assistant Headteacher - Teaching & Learning

Mrs Connor

Assistant Headteacher - Behaviour & Attitudes

Miss  Clark

Designated Safeguarding Leader


Mrs Stone PA to the Principalship
Mrs Allen Admissions and Attendance
Mrs Bedeau Adminstration / School Trips / Nursery
Mrs Liddle Adminstration / Front of House
Miss Baptiste School Business Manager
Mr Ryan Premises Manager

Afterschool / Midday Supervisors

Mrs Melkonian Mrs Keogh
Mrs Render Miss Wilks
Mrs Pollard Miss James
Ms Rama Ms Mills



Teaching Staff Learning Support Assistants

Carla Houghton (Reception Coordinator)

Eloise Bowker

Liza Elliott

Bethany Dowling

Danielle Piper

Vicky Spalding

Sonia Pender

Melanie Feakes

Year 1

Teaching Staff Learning Support Assistants

Carly Hamilton - Elephants

Safa Ahmed - Koalas

Hayley Pullen - Hippos

Becky Evans

Chloe Thompson

Harpreet Kaur

Chloe Croft

Lucy Beasley

Year 2

Teaching Staff Learning Support Assistants

Hannah Smith - Monkeys

Emma Lancaster - Meerkats

Charlene Lowe - Giraffes

Kumrie Rama

Chloe Croft

Elleysse Thompson

Coral Burn

Year 3

Teaching Staff Learning Support Assistants

Bridget Neal - Penguins

Cameron Webber - Otters

Shonagh Bright - Dolphins

Karen Keogh

Kerry Preston

Barbara Rosonovski

Year 4

Teaching Staff Learning Support Assistants

Katy McKune

Josh Malkani

Will Hewitt

Jade White

Allison Bain

Susanne Evans

Year 5

Teaching Staff Learning Support Assistants

Deborah Davies

Layla Collins

Andrew Dadswell

Sarah Allen

Mihaela Popescu (HLTA)

Sharon Sharp

Year 6

Teaching Staff Learning Support Assistants

Heather Lythall

Rebekah James

Kellie Connor

Marie Render

Rachel Walker (HLTA)


Mr Prothero PE and Health Lead
My Doyle PE Apprentice


Mrs Bright Music Leader
Mrs Randell Art, Dance and Drama


Danielle Higgins | Director of EYFS Carly Hughes | Interim Nursery Manager & EYFS Family Worker
Liz Vincent | EYFS SEND Hayley Harding | Room Lead (Caterpillars)
Veronika Noka | PANco Kathleen Smart | Nursery Practitioner
Suzzanne Field | Nursery Practitioner Madiha Mahmood | Midday Supervisor
Claire Stolber | Room Lead (Butterflies) Karen Mulholland | Nursery Practitioner
Sandra Giddings | Nursery Practitioner Cheryl Wakefield | Nursery Practitioner
Claire Tivinan | Nursery Practitioner Fatima Khanom | Nursery Practitioner
Medow Cox | Nursery Apprentice Cailtin Lewis | Nursery Practitioner


Mrs Gould | SEND Lead Teacher Miss Oldfield | SRP Assistant
Mrs Ahmed | SRP Assistant Ms Anjum | SRP Assistant
Ms Mills | SRP Assistant Ms Drury | SRP Assistant